Legal Aid
The primary service offered by the NBRC is to prepare and represent refugee claimants who cannot afford a private lawyer before the Immigration and Refugee Board. This includes:
• Pre refugee claim consultations
• Representation and assistance throughout the entire refugee determination procedure (including pre and post refugee claim)
• Volunteer counsel and research assistance provided for each claim (in house training provided to volunteer counsel and to research assistants)
• Mock (practice) refugee hearings
• Assistance filling out Permanent Residence applications following positive determination of refugee claims
Other services provided may include, on a case-by-case basis:
• Assistance preparing applications for Permanent Residence on Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds
• Assistance preparing Pre Removal Risk Assessment applications
• Assistance for refugee claimants who have been detained
Legal Education
The NBRC trains law students, lawyer volunteers and others to conduct all aspects of refugee claims and humanitarian-based immigration applications.
From time to time, the NBRC provides presentations to the public about the refugee determination process and refugee matters in general.